MMS Log 15: EatYourKimchi Pop-up Store

FINALLY. AFTER A YEAR. Mission EatYourKimchi is a success. T.T

This mission started a year ago at ZE:A’s comeback in Yonsei University. I saw them! We all wanted to flock around them for photos! But they left early :/
And a year later, THE DEED IS DONE. And it’s at their studio!

Met the Spudge at the door
I have to say I was pretty mad at the people queuing before us, since they knew that the queue was long and we had been freezing like they had for the past 2 hours. We were all thinking why people would spend so much time talking and not considering the queue outside? Especially when one Nasty can take 20 minutes to buy just one hat. (Well it felt like 20 minutes in the minus temperature but it probably was just 10) Plus the fact that I was just queuing to see them did not help ease my frustration (I had already pre-ordered a week earlier phew!). I have never been angry about a queue actually. Then my friend’s words gave me the answer, that she would stroke Spudgy for at least 5 minutes because it’s the least it’s worth for the 3 hours she queued. I guess everyone felt they should get their time’s worth with Simon and Martina. We decided to hint to them that the queue behind us was SUPER long even though it was 7pm (lol) and Simon’s reply warmed me up (? is that even the right phrase), that he would stay until everyone has been seen and served. Wow. I would have stopped the queue at 7 :( OTL
Martina refilling the snacks table
I felt especially sorry for S&M’s previous intern who had queued behind me as a fan to see them. I mean, he knew them and all, but he wanted to wait with us. Sigh. He was nice, talking with other fans who had come alone. He even offered to help me with my marketing exam because I was too distracted looking for my friend while holding notes in my hands. “I know a little about SWOT” lol His reunion with Martina was like a dramatic scene haha… The cool part though, is that the WANK Mustoy edition was his first day on the job, and I’m the one who bought the Baekhyun doll! PFFFFF We were like “WHUH” when S&M told us the coincidence.
10 minutes to 7pm. SO CLOSE.

The fan room

The rest room

You just flip him, really.

Commence tummy rub

Not sure if that's the new intern or just a friend
(There was some word spreading about a new intern?)

Simon can be ulzzang, alright
Another coincidence was my meeting the girl I started Simply K-pop with two months ago. I looked down the stairwell and I was so sure it was her. I asked for her name, and there she was: Sarah from USA. (We have the same name so I’m pretty sure Simply K-pop viewers thought Arirang messed up our names lol) We talked, we hugged, we exchanged info about upcoming Arirang events. K-pop just unites people.
The 2 Sarah's haha

Directions: From Line 2 Hongik University Station exit 9, walk to the next junction and up towards Hongik University. Cross the road to the right and keep walking until you see Monster Pizza on your right and NB2 on your left. EYK is two floors above Monster Pizza.


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