Studying in Korea: A Summer at Ewha Womans' University

This is the second installment of my study series. I spent my 2013 summer in Ewha Womans' University with two of my friends and also with their friends. Ewha Womans' University accepts male international students also so people tend to say that losers go to Ewha to get girls lol. My semester at Ewha was definitely different from Yonsei and I'll share why.

1. Schooling

Unlike YISS, Ewha only has two periods. For your second period, you either choose a normal class or a Korean language class. The Korean language class starts later at 2pm and ends at 5pm. Like YISS, Ewha has classes from Mondays to Thursdays and hold excursions on Friday that you can sign up for. However because of the two periods, it's hard for students to pick their courses in case they clash.

For my morning class, I picked Cross-cultural Psychology. I learned a little about cross-cultural psychology only because the course was more like an introduction to psychology. I learned most of the stuff, just with a little more statistics. The problem was that we were supposed to copy the notes but the professor was speeding his notes. Also, the professor has a fault of treating his students as patients. HE'S NOT EVEN A PSYCHOLOGIST. HE'S A NEUROLOGIST. Yes so brain much knowledge but NO PSYCHO. The classmates all didn't like him either, considering that he's a blunt, Korean-culture-biased misogynist in a classroom of WOMEN. He left a very negative effect on my schooling there. As usual, the professor did not tell us about his own textbook so we had bought one earlier. After a whole hassle, we got a refund which he had no hand in assisting. The most ignorant professor ever. Thank God for the patient administrative team.

For my afternoon class, I picked Korean Ceramics. There is a fee of KRW100,000 for your class materials. For this class, you will make items based on basic ceramic skills used during the Three Kingdom periods. Plenty of the word "celadon" being thrown around the class. For a few weeks you will be making and drying your works before glazing them and exhibiting them at the graduation ceremony.

2. Housing

If I'm not wrong, Ewha has four international dormitory buildings. One is for the regular(Korean) undergraduate students, two for graduates and researchers, and two for the international students. The dormitory complex has a few single rooms that come on a first come first serve basis. In fact, I think there are only 7 single rooms. I managed to get one because I was in the first 7 to register lol. On my floor, there were 5 Singaporeans who are in the single rooms. Can you say kiasu? haha The single room is the size of the double room, just emptier. No doubt it costs more than the double room, but the single room is the same prize as the YISS double room. That being said, the YISS is a longer term so your dollar is stretched more, I guess? I was quite fed up with my previous summer roomie so I really wanted a single room this time.
Huge cupboard, desk, fridge, veranda, bedside light

Dresser, bathroom, shoe cupboard, long mirror
The door is passcode protected so you don't need a key card. The key card is only used when the building doors are closed. Laundry cost KRW500 per wash and KRW500 per dry. Sadly, there are only 3 washers and dryers for an entire building. The building also has a lounge on every floor for quick meals and studying.

A problem I suffer with the Ewha dorm is the automatic switching off of your air conditioning. Korean summer is a period of rain and heat. You close the window because of the rain, but the lack of ventilation forces you to open it. And the Ewha dorms have no windows, just a door for the veranda. Leaving your door open to air the room risks rain blowing into your room. And the air conditioning hours are weird. They switch on during class hours and switch off right before sleeping hours which is midnight. So basically no air conditioning. WHAT THE HECK. I PAID FOR AIR CON GIVE ME MY AIR CON. The air con was available 24/7 only on the last day of our program -.- Thanks.

Another problem was the sound acoustics of the buildings' walkway. You can definitely serenade to the entire complex there. I once got up at 6am and went down to yell at the Singaporeans who gathered at the building door thinking it's ok to chat and bellow laughter at 5-6am during exam week.

3. Food

Ewha Campus Complex
Ewha has the famous Ewha Campus Complex (ECC) where you find the bank, bookstores, restaurants, halls, and cinema. Most importantly, your normal classes are conducted in that complex. They have a food court there which is not very valuable for the price. There's a bakery also and GS25 for you to buy other convenient foods. At the back of the ECC, there's also a cafe Ahreum Garden at Helen Hall B that serves Korean-Western pasta. I recommend the shrimp pasta because the rest are a little too overwhelming. If you are sick of the school food, go visit Ewha and Sinchon!

4. Field Trip

What field trip? Lol The field trip is a separate program. Go figure. If you want a field trip, you'll have to stay for the second session. The second session comprises Korean language classes in the morning and special lectures or half-day field trips in the afternoon. In my opinion, these are trips you can make without paying that amount.
There are free day trips on Friday, but that's about it.

5. Student Care

PEACE Buddies
Maybe it's a women's thing. I don't know. But they had opening and closing ceremonies for the program. There were PEACE Buddies in charge of a group of you that will make sure you have fun and socialize throughout the semester. The closing ceremony was a little unnecessary but I felt that it was good to close the program together rather than dispersing into nothingness like the YISS. These ambassadors can also stay as "lifelong" friends on Facebook because they are the outgoing type… Well at least mine was. Was it SD or L who got an ambassador who sucked up to the Korean-Americans? I don't remember.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments section below. Thanks for reading!

*Application Process

Please refer to this website for more details about the application process: Application Procedure.
There is an early bird discount deadline, and you should be registered and paid the full amount by then if you want to be considered in the list of single room applications. Housing fees are paid one week after check-in because you only find out your rooming when they e-mail the list of student IDs and room allocations.


  1. hello! Can I know if you wire transfer your money for the school tuitions and fee? If so, how much was the total charges the bank charge for the wire transfer?

    1. Hi. Please refer to this webpage for more instructions: Your application is only complete when you wire your school tuition into the school bank. The housing fee is to be paid one week after check-in, considering your room allocation is given way later after registration. Rooming is first-come-first-serve, so if you want a single room, you should be registered by now to try applying for it. I believe there are only 7 single rooms.

  2. May I know which building did you stay in? The dorm looks big and spacious from the pictures.

    1. I see that it's Summer Studies application period haha... Ewha-Samsung International House! It's spacious because it's the size of their double room but with single rooming. By the way, there are only 10 spots open for single rooming, so grab it the moment the registration is open!

  3. Hi Sarah,
    Thank you so much for sharing this! It's been really helpful in my application process and I'm looking forward to my time as an exchange student at Ewha!
    I just had a question regarding the single rooms, so on the housing website, it says that there are 35 single rooms in building C, and apparently I was the 26th the apply. But like you said, there are only about 10 single rooms, is it not the case in reality? I just really hope I can get a single room!

    1. HI! Glad my post was useful.
      There may be 35 rooms, but Ewha houses some of their foreign profs from their normal school year AND foreign profs from the summer studies in the dorm. And if there are local students who don't stay in Seoul but want to stay for the summer program, they might want the single room too. So usually when you take those rooms out, you're left with around 10 for the international students depending on availability.
      Just pray that the previous 16 want to room with their friends! haha I know someone on the list who applied quite late but for some reason she got a single room

    2. You are seriously the best! Thank you so much for this information! Looks like I'll be praying hard! Haha! But thank you so much once again Sarah!!!

    3. Hi Sarah, anonymous,

      Where can you see that you are the '' person to apply? I applied 4 hours after the start of the application date/time. Do you think I still have a chance to get in the dorms?

    4. According to my archive, the Program Coordinator's email stated:
      "Please note that on-campus housing is offered on a ‘first-come-first-served’ basis since both the International House (I-House) and Graduate Student Dormitory (GSD) are always on high demand. This means that room assignments will be processed after you complete your invoice of the total tuition fees.
      We will notify you of your room assignment by email 2~3 days prior to your arrival at Ewha and you will get your invoice during the welcoming ceremony, and thus we ask you to please pay the housing fee in cash at a campus Shinhan Bank upon arrival.
      If you cannot be assigned to a dorm due to the late apply, it will be also notified at the same time."

      4 hours after application opens should be fine~ People do it days after. But remember to pay the tuition fees asap!

    5. And I knew about my placing after receiving the list. Students are not listed according to our names or school names so it's literally by Serial Numbers. With the 'first-come-first-serve" instruction and our S/N, we gathered that we were that early XD

    6. Thank you for your response! Do you remember when you received the list? I consider booking another room just to make sure I have a stay for a normal price when I arrive in Seoul... :P

    7. I received my list about 11 days before the program started.
      From what I see of the form and remember about the application, you are guaranteed a room when you indicated that you want on-campus housing and have paid the full tuition fee. And you are required already at the application stage to provide a Korean address if you don't stay on-campus.
      Besides, they can't run out. My summer studies cohort had 200 students only and they accommodate 1600 residents :)

    8. Oke, I hope it will be the same this year! Thank you very much for your help :)

  4. I like how detail you provided the stories here. I'm entering grad school at Ewha this coming Fall. Just wondering is there any Malaysian students that are currently studying at Ewha? Especially majoring in media.

    1. Thanks for your comment!
      Regarding the Malaysian student population in Fall, I'm not sure. I only had a month there in 2013 haha... The population would depend on the number of Malaysian Unis having a program with Ewha :)

  5. Hi! I'm going on a study abroad to Korea this summer and I have to choose between Ewha and Yonsei! I don't know which one to choose... I wanna do yonsei because it is longer than ewha's and has the jeju field trip but ewha has those ceramics and music classes which seem really easy! I don't need any specific classes to take I just want to get them out of the way (but I will be taking the korean class) and have them be as easy as possible and yonsei's don't look that way... ahhh which one would you recommend?

    1. Hi! It really depends on you. If you're ok with paying more, you can go with Yonsei (although I always hated the walk back to dorm). I'm not sure if the Jeju field trip has a maximum capacity so you should check on that. Whichever school it is, the summer school profs tend to not care (esp the foreign ones) and just give everyone a high grade anyways.
      I'd still go with Ewha haha because I'm so lazy

  6. Hello!
    I want to know more about the Korean Ceramics class. I'm trying to see if I want to take that class or The Korean Folk Culture class. Could you possibly share if you liked the class or if there was anything negative about your experience with it? Thank you.

    1. Hi! Sure thing.
      You need to pay extra 100,000 Won for the class materials (if the price is still the same). You learn basic techniques like pinching etc and create a bunch of different things like small vases and a box with a lid.
      Upside is that you can also make whatever you like as long as you finish the assigned crafts. If you take it in the second period, you can stay back to complete the extra pieces.
      The downside is that you have to bring the pieces home with you after it's completely done. Unless you have a lot of luggage space, can let go of memorabilia easily, or have some purpose for your pieces, they become quite burdensome.
      I regretted the course a little, but I'd rather do art than another period of books ^^

  7. Hi Sarah,

    Thank you for this blog post! I am going to Ewha this summer alone. I was wondering if it is easy to meet new people without knowing anyone there. I was also wondering how an international student can use their phone over there? And how you manage to go from the airport to Ewha? Thank you!!!

    1. Hi! Sorry I couldn't provide more accurate information. It's been 4 years so my memory is rusty. But let's tackle your questions one by one:
      1. If you are like me (doesn't find it easy talking to new people/starting conversations, doesn't drink, glued to the laptop all the time - basically a hermit) then no it's not. Makes it worse if you're not a Singaporean because i remember a HUGE majority of the summer students were from Singapore, especially NTU. If you are from Singapore/NTU, it might be easier because you might actually bump into a friend or click because of other helpful people. I don't remember there being a camp, but if there is some orientation camp, go for it. If not, just really try to get along with the group you're assigned to for the PEACE Buddy thing. Besides the friends I went to Ewha with, I hung out quite a bit with my PEACE group, thanks to my Buddy who was proactive in asking us out. That being said, I hope you get a good Buddy.
      2. Yes, if your phone is an unlocked phone without your local carrier rigging your phone. Because of my experience at Yonsei the previous year, I went back to the school dorm's phone shop to get my prepaid line done. They fix a line to your passport number, and it costs around $80 for the first month I think (you pay for the startup, call credit, 1GB data, and unlimited wifi for a month; subsequent months will be just $56 for the 1GB plan). My friends got the same plan as I did, so you don't have to worry about not being a Yonsei student. Just pop by the Yonsei international dorm via the Ewha back gate and look for the shop. The downside is that it might take a week to activate. I knew people who got a normal line from the phone shop on the streets of Ewha but they had a whole lot of hassle getting it to work. If you don't need to use the calling function and can just depend on internet, the dorm will have ethernet for you (I can't remember if the campus offered wifi accounts for students.) and you can assess wifi at some cafes. Anywho, the PEACE buddies would be able to give you better advice on this since I've been away for 4 years already. I'm sorry I can't help much on this since I depended on that $80 plan and had wifi everywhere I went. Didn't have to suffer with the wifi problem during my Ewha days. When I didn't have that plan in 2012 though, I suffered a whole deal coz the free public wifi sometimes depended on you having a wifi acc that you pay per day <- what's so free about it right
      3. There are a few ways. Firstly, there's the airport limo bus 6002 or 6011 (more info here Secondly, there's the subway. Take the normal subway from the airport to Hongik University Station. Then, change to line 2 (green line) and get off at Ewha Station. Get out at exit 2 or 3 and go straight down the slope. You should see the university at the bottom of the slope. Thirdly (maybe), the school might be providing transport. Have you checked if they are?

      Again, sorry that I can't provide enough information. I hope you really enjoy yourself in the summer!

    2. Thank you soooooooo much!!! You really helped me a lot! I really appreciate how quickly you responded because I've been quite worried about the trip. Thank you once again!!! You are amazing! ^.^

    3. Dang it seems like I wasn't quick to reply this one haha. I hope you enjoyed your summer program!

  8. Hi, must be be a undergraduate to apply? Can graduate apply?

    1. Sorry I'm not sure if graduates may apply for this program


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