MMS Log 8: Busan Day 1

After settling down in the hostel, we went for dinner at Mr. Pizza opposite the hostel. I wanted to try it because of 2PM and because of the interesting flavors. The verdict: IT WAS AWESOME. We had Mister Pizza right before we left Busan too.

Kimchi and Seafood Baked Rice KRW6,000(?)

Lobster Pizza KRW20,000/25,000
The food tasted fresh and healthy to us, compared to the normal pizza joints we get in Singapore. The cheese isn't too heavy and the crabmeat is real. You wouldn't even hate the capsicum on this dish.

After dinner, we headed down to Haeundae Beach.
Directions: From Miss Egg Hostel, turn left and walk down to Haeundae Market. Walk through the market and you will find the beach on your left. If you see a Fuzzy Navel bar at the end of the market, you're on the right track.
Haeundae Market

Sadly, it was monsoon season for us, so the weather was not favorable.

The waves looked scary
And the fog looked ominous

After spending sometime of meditation, we headed to the World Mystery Cafe which was supposedly nearby. It was not nearby. The World Mystery Cafe was supposed to be the only or biggest cafe and mystery book collection.
Directions: From Haeundae Beach, walk to the left towards the MoonTan Road. Keep walking uphill until you find a Tourist Information Centre. Opposite where there are Angel-in-us Coffee and Twosome Place, you know you are on the right track. Walk up towards the further Twosome Place and past it. Walk up further until you see a "glass" building. Look out for the Sherlock Holmes sign.
Little map of the MoonTan area
 Some markers for you:

The building

The sign

You have to pay KRW4,000 to enter the cafe. The entrance fee comes with a free beverage. And access to any table and book.

Green tea

Orange juice
My verdict: the place wasn't worth the climb, especially with the extreme weather. Rain or shine, hot or cold, this place took up too much time and energy. Also, the collection of English books was very little so we had nothing we wanted to read. If you do live nearby, then this would be a nice place to chat, but that would be inconsiderate for the other patrons who had come to read.


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