Foods at Ewha Woman's University

Ewha Woman's University is a popular tourist spot because of the iconic Ewha Campus Complex, Ivy League architecture, and cheaper clothes to cater to students. Shoes usually cost KRW19,000-29,000 and the cheapest clothes are KRW10,000. What you find at MyeongDong and Dongdaemun, you can find it slightly cheaper here. But with all the shops around, you might not know where to eat. So I will review what I have eaten so far in the Ewha area.

First is the review from 'Coffee Boy Cafe', available here.

Next is the shabu shabu restaurant. 'About Shabu' gives customers a variety of choices for your shabu shabu, like seafood, pork, chicken, beef, and mushrooms for the vegetarians. They also have the special which comprises of seafood, korean beef, and other items. They are generous with bean sprout portion and noodles so don't bother asking for rice. Their rice cakes also have cheese, which was fascinating for us.
Directions click here.
Le mountain of bean sprouts
Special Set KRW22,000 per person
Minimum 2 people
more than just this

I don't know what's so fancy about the Korean beef so I would recommend normal beef to save a few dollars.

If you want something to go, there's Peggy Pie. The shop has dessert pies, stuffed pies, and sandwiches. Beware, their sandwich sizes are Diet and Regular. The roast beef was not bad. However like most Korean shops, their western food is always sweet. This sandwich was a little sweet.
Directions: From Line 2 Ewha station Exit 3, walk straight towards Ewha Woman's University. Before reaching the university, you should see a chocolatier shop. Peggy Pie is on the block before the chocolatier.
Roast Beef Sandwich Regular KRW5,900


Then we have the famous Homilpat 호밀밭, famous for Korea's shaved ice dessert Patbingsoo. Homilpat's version is unique because the ice flakes are so fine that it's called a sherbet. They have milk, green tea, fruits, strawberry, watermelon, and coffee. Fruits bingsoo is basically the milk bingsoo with a variety of fruits on top. Their read bean and rice cakes are served separately, available for free refills.

Address: 서울시 서대문구 창천동 4-77 1층 
Directions : 
[Sinchon] Take the U-Plex EXIT from Sinchon Subway Station. you will go through a mall (yes it links to a mall, but don’t go into the departmental stores. just keep walking straight), you will pass by shops like LUSH, Body Shop and Cold Stone and then go up escalators and all. upon exit, you will see a huge big red pipe with a mirror. and you will find yourself facing a main road. cross over to the OTHER side of the main road. it’s a T-junction but you will know which road is the bigger road. keep walking straight at the other side of the road. you will pass by Krispy Kreme. just keep walking along the road and you will definitely find Homilpat. also, if you keep walking straight you’ll be in Edae. =D.

[Ewha] Say you’re facing directly at Ewha Univ. turn left walk straight, there’ll be a T-junction but keep walking straight and you will see Homilpat as well. (cr. jamieliew)

[Ewha] From Ewha Woman's University, turn left towards the Sinchon train station and walk further down. The queue should be the marker.

Green Tea KRW6,000
Fruits KRW7,500
Strawberry Bingsoo (Seasonal) KRW8,000


For higher-end foods, there's Blacksmith right outside Ewha. The food's pretty decent at a slightly unreasonable price. The breads in Korean western restaurants are always awesome with some sweetness and warmth to them. Blacksmith now has a salad bar that is complimentary for every main course you order. Sadly, the bread is at the bar too so now it's cold.
Directions: Blacksmith is on the left of Ewha Woman's University main gate.

vinegar and oil for your bread
salad in a...what? 
pizza heated with candle
Big Prawn and Oyster Spaghetti
Seafood Spaghetti
Mushroom Risotto

I have a treat for Singaporeans (and Malaysians) missing their culture and will die for the food. If you are a Kaya toast fan, then you might wanna run to the Kopitiam at Edae. This 'Kopitiam' claims to have Singaporean food. Well, the toast is the only thing I would go there for. They don't have our local Kopis and Tehs. And it's pretty costly too.
[Update] They have Teh! At around KRW5,000 or something like that...
Directions: From Line 2 Ewha station Exit 3, walk down one street and look up on your right for the Kopitiam sign. The stairs are on the right of the building.
Kaya Toast KRW3,500
This is the first time I've had Iced Mocha with my Kaya Toast. Call it an Iced Milo, if you must.


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