MMS Log 4: Immigration Pt. 1

Made a trip to the Sejongno Immigrations Office today to settle Visa issues.

Directions: 2, 3F Seoul Global Center, 38 Jongro Jongno-gu, Seoul
Jurisdiction: Jongno-gu, Jung-gu, Eunpyeong-gu, Dongdaemun-gu, Jungnang-gi, Dobong-gu, Seongbuk-gu, Gangbuk-gu, Nowon-gu of Seoul

I have a C3 Student's Visa for my Ewha Summer Program and I was planning to visit neighboring countries for travel's sake. The Sejongno office is located on the second floor of the  Seoul Global Center building.
Regarding Visa matters, press no 1 for a queue number, under "Residency". The officer was nice enough to provide me details about visa procedures. Because my visa was a single entry visa, my visa will be void when I reenter Korea, so I will be living under a B-1 Visa upon my return from Taiwan. And I found out that you can actually apply for the D-2 Visa in Seoul! For most student Visa applications, you would need the following documents:

Sadly, I'm staying in the Shinchon area so that office could not help me with any Visa matters. Please note that there are at least two offices in Seoul, each with their own jurisdiction areas. For people staying in Shinchon area, the correct office would be the Seoul(Mok-dong) office. Mr. Nice told me that the Seoul office would be really crowded so I should head there early.
Directions: 319-2, Sinjeong 6-dong, Yangcheon-gu, Seoul
Subway: At Omokgyo (Mok-dong Stadium) Station exit 7. Go straight for about 10 minutes.
Jurisdiction: Seoul (Except for the jurisdictions of Sejong Branch Office), Gwangmyeong, Seongnam, Anyang, Hanam of Gyeonggido

After a trip to Myeongdong, I headed back to Shinchon for lunch at the restaurant we went for lunch on Day 1. I heard that the beef soup (설렁탕 Seolleongtang) was good so I ordered it. Boy, was it GOOD. I didn't know beef soup could taste like that. And their rice wasn't the usual white rice either. Their kimchi was our ultimate favorite out of all the eateries we've been to. I don't usually like fresh kimchi; I prefer fermented kimchi. But this kimchi was fresh but it had a great taste.
Beef Soup (KRW 6,500)

I don't have directions right now because I was too tired to remember, but I will try to update if I pass by it again. All I can say is that you have to walk down past TOP10 to find it, and it's in the basement.

I went back to Yonsei SK Global to get my phone line fixed. The boss is pretty friendly so don't worry about language barriers -he even gave service (free food) again because I spent such a long time at the office. If need be, drag a student into the office to translate for you ㅋㅋ

Signing off now; I'm so tired I fell asleep at the office for a little while. I will give a Pt. 2 post when I get my Visa done :)


  1. Hi Sarah, I am going to Yonsei this fall for exchange program. After 4 months of school, I will go travel around a bit before going back to Seoul then back to Singapore. Do you think I need multiple entry visa?
    Thanks in advance :)

    1. Firstly, your exchange semester at Yonsei would require a student visa. This student visa is your alien registration card, which serves as your multiple entry visa. You would need the following things:
      Letter of enrollment from Yonsei
      Letter of enrollment from your local university
      Bank statement of W1,000,000 (Korean bank) or proof that you live in the school or something (I don't remember why I was stopped at the office but I lacked something so I required the bank statement)
      A visa fee that I don't know because Korean Visa got more expensive on Jan 1 2014
      Photocopy of Passport
      and I believe you need a Korean home address (i.e. the place you are residing in Korea for 4 months; it's for your card)

      I'm not sure if you need more documents but these are the few I remember. Yonsei website would have details.

    2. Hi Sarah, thanks for your fast reply! Does it mean it is not necessary for me to apply when I am in Singapore?

    3. I'm not sure if you can apply from Singapore in the first place. I was in Korea for a long time before my exchange so I applied in Korea. My roomies came from Singapore when the exchange started but they didn't have time to apply in Singapore and had to join the whole international cohort to apply. My school might run things differently from Yonsei so you would have to check on Yonsei's side.
      Remember: your automatic 30-day tourist visa starts the day you arrive in Seoul. Within these 30 days you have to apply for Visa, and when you do, that 30-day counter stops so you don't have to worry about running out of days.

      PS. Congratz on receiving the Yonsei spot. I wanted it but I only got the Chung-Ang spot.

  2. Thanks Sarah!! I believe Chung-Ang is as awesome! :D

    1. Thanks! I preferred Yonsei because of its ideal location for church days and the awesome foods (Sinchon ftw). Chung-Ang had its benefits too, but the location was a little bit of a hassle for us. :) And Yonsei is a little more happening, like the annual Akaraka. Must go. They'll probably have some idol performances too. And the annual Yonsei vs Korea university matches just wow


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