MMS Log 2: Inspirit.

Day 2.

Today we headed out to GwangJang Market. It was interesting. There were textile shops everywhere, selling traditional clothes especially for weddings. Then we reached the more popular part: the food market.

There were stalls in the middle, stall at the side. The road stalls were selling the usual like Kimbap, Dokbokki, Japchae and Jokbal.

I bought the Jokbal to give it a shot. The woman recommended the leg so I chose it over the meat portion.

Bad choice. Honestly, I could only taste pig's skin. I love poultry skin, especially if it's from a roasted chicken or duck. But this; this was something else. I felt like I was eating collagen -which I was. we didn't finish it and I felt sorry for the vendor and myself. KRW7,000! Sigh.

Then we headed to Myeongdong. Look at the horror I found lol
Shame on you TonyMoly 

 We went into cosmetic shops and visited the famous SPAO. I was pretty upset over the lack of S sizes for the Iron Man 3 shirt series lol. But the polo shirts were awesome. I love how SPAO provides normal essentials that everybody would want to wear. You can't forget EverySing either. Now they sell photo packets too.

Then I went crazy at my favorite CD store Music Korea. It's located on the third floor of the Nature Republic building near SPAO. Boy, was I jumping for joy at the giant sticker of INFINITE on the store glass! And I found the book that I wanted so badly: L's Bravo Viewtiful!
L's photo essay Bravo Viewtiful
I managed to get the last Special Edition book that came with the extra postcards. What I love about Music Korea: they tend to give free posters or pictures of the star whom you bought merchandise of. They even let me change the photo that they gave me. I changed the Nothing's Over photo for a... Chaser(?) photo. Sad thing about L's Bravo Viewtiful: most of his entries are in Korean D: I know my Korean but my head can't handle so much translation at one shot.
칼국수=Knife Noodles ㅋㅋㅋ L....
After all the shopping, we finally decided to eat... at 3pm. We asked the tourism helpers for information, and they gave us directions to a famous Samgyetang Restaurant. It's called BaekJe Samgyetang.
Directions: Turn into the alley where the Laneige corner store is. It's on the second floor.
Black chicken Samgyetang; KRW27,000
They gave some mixed grain rice with the soup! But don't order a bowl of rice, because there is rice stuffed in the chicken. I think it was pretty overpriced, and I prefer normal white chicken which is cheaper too.

We wanted to walk off our lunch so we went to Namsan Tower. CAn I just advice that you do not take the Pacific Hotel route? That was some killer climb. Namsan's Cable Car Station actually has a lift that you can use if you walk form MyeongDong subway station. There's walking, but less climbing. The worst was yet to happen: the cable car was out of order. HORROR. Climb to the station and then climb up to the tower?! Sobs. We walked to a directed bus stop and found the famous stairs on the way.
Aww couple on the couple steps

You were supposed to play Rock, Paper, Scissors with as couples on these steps. But we found the bus stop so we took Bus 2 to the top. I didn't follow, though, because I had been there thrice and I had other plans:

I came back to the hostel early to book tickets. Interpark is not server-friendly. The server crashed a lot of times like the last time I tried to book Infinite That Summer Concert tickets. 6 shows sold out in 15 minutes! But what can I do? INFINITE's that good haha. After one and a half hours, I GOT TICKETS. I love that Korea shows are way cheaper than Singapore shows. KRW99,000 for the best seats in the concert! It's the ticket competition that's the problem.

Then I headed out for chicken near the hostel. Shinchon closes around 9, so I settled for Yang Pang Chicken which was two shops away form my hostel. Yang Pang Chicken has interesting original chicken. I thought that it would be crispy plain with only mild marinade, but it came with a sweet, sticky sauce poured over it. There was also deep-friend rice cakes! The skin was like popcorn chicken hardness so it was tiring for me to eat it (mouth weak; braces). But it was KRW2,500 so oh well... Yang Pang Chicken also has spicy crispy chicken, which my friends said were SUPER spicy. Like, I'm-not-kidding-you spicy.

Today was a day of errors, but I'm grateful for my Inspirit fulfilment. I can't wait for August 10 to come!


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