MMS Log 6: Weekend Business

Part 2 of Ignite Conference

I was glad to hear the testimony from the director of the film "The Drop Box" and the inventor of the Baby Box.

Director Brian Ivie
Pastor Lee Jong Rak
Support the Baby Box!
Artist Panel

Then we had pork for dinner at 갈매기살의 지존
Directions: From the Shinchon Crystal Chapel, walk down the road on the left and turn into the alley. At the next junction, turn right. You should be able to see the store on the right of the following junction.

Sucking in the air to make a bigger fire
갈매기살 (450g) KRW15,000
If you cook the meat well, it's not tough at all. And it reminded me of Bak Kwa.
Mixture for Fish Eggs Rice Balls

날치알주먹밥 KRW2,000
On the next day, I headed back to church for service. Third Wave's English ministry starts at 12 noon.

After lunch, we headed for Man of Steel in Lotte Cinema at Myeongdong. And then we had dinner at a famous chicken stew franchise.

Boneless JjimDalk (Big) KRW 36,000

The stew was spicy though :( I choked on the noodles because it was too spicy. But note that I can't hold spice tolerance well. Other than that, the chicken was awesome and I loved the mushrooms. Please note that I DO NOT recommend rice with this meal. There is noodles in the stew already.
[Update: If you cannot handle spicy, just tell them not to add chili. If they no comprende Ingles, then say "ahn maebge" (안 맵게). Saved us many times.]


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